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Manage & Control...

  • Project Consumables

  • Rental tools

  • Company Assets

To achieve...

  • Added work process efficiencies

  • Increased Productivity

  • Reduced costs

  • Reduced Environment Footprint

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iTAG Solutions, in collaboration with Utleiecompagniet AS, has developed a combined solution for checking tools and equipment on construction sites, as well as a project "self"-shopping . With high level of flexibility and simplicity!

In the project shop, the consumables used during the project period are added, and withdrawals are registered by project, sub-project, company and user. By entering min/max values, you can obtain automatic order bases that are available to the project's supplier at all times. Used optimally, this will result in fewer defects, reduced time consumption related to defects, as well as a significant simplification of follow-up for both the project and the supplier.

Hired equipment and any company owned equipment are tagged with RFID for check-out and return. You have a real-time overview of availability, return time, as well as user details. Avoid spending unnecessary time searching for and purchasing equipment when the need is there!

Our "control" station ensures that all RFID-tagged equipment is registered. This can be placed anywhere on the construction site. And with UCO24 installed on a mobile tablet, you can freely create several locations where there is equipment that you want to manage and control.

The solution also includes a web portal where data import, reports and an automated message center are available. The option are available to decide alerts events; - for example asset expiration, status changes, utilization and more!

Send us a message at if you would like a presentation of the solution!

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